Friday, November 6, 2009

The Masquerade

The Masquerade
By Me

“‘Conceited, who are you supposed to be?’ you say.
Like everyone in the drunken night’s masquerade,
Man with a predictable countenance—hiding
Behind a behemoth frightened forceful façade.
The ‘chaic false facet of the domineering,
‘Ristocratic society of us!” I say.

“Not everyone in this minuscule masquerade
Is a sycophantic cold coward in ‘hiding’.
I must know what obscure and dubious façade
You refer to. One of art and knowledge domineering
The people, the gift of eternity, I say.
You are anti-Gatsbian,” I continued to say

“Its ironic that noble Gatsby was hiding.
Hiding from his ebbing world behind the façade,
Which proves how one can ‘come of the domineering
Society. The woeful one that caused say
Lores and loathed cranes to drown. And I will helm and say
Without this, we are wild without the masquerade.”

“Zelda did so well under the enforced façade!
The one in which Scott ended by domineering
Her mind. Those suppressive anti-wilde acts make it say
Fur for others. Why do you sublimely say
Not of the mighty mimicking drone masquerade,
But where would we be without those who broke hiding?”

“Do they truly breakout or enter a new domineering
Cult. Just a brief jump from what say
A Socratic versus a sophist. Not grey per-say
What happens after they join the new masquerade?
Simply put, the rules of what constitutes hiding
Are different. A new ‘powering sophist façade”—

“Your mechanical thoughts are troubling to say,
Reflective of who you are. My concluding say
In all this: what can constitute this masquerade?
All your friends with violent minds finding hope hiding.
Those wildely out of hiding reveal a façade
To seek justice from the unjust domineering!

I must be on my way, but to say masquerade
Miss Bennet, it torments me, and that hiding façade
Represents only your culture’s domineering say.”

Poem of the Day: 586

By Emily Dickinson

My life had stood--a Loaded Gun--
In Corners--till a Day
The Owner passed--identified--
And carried Me away--

And now We roam in Sovereign Woods--
And now We hunt the Doe--
And every time I speak for Him--
The Mountains straight reply--

And do I smile, such cordial light
Upon the Valley glow--
It is as a Vesuvian face
Had let its pleasure through--

And when at Night--Our good Day done--
I guard My Master's Head--
'Tis better than the Eider-Duck's
Deep Pillow--to have shared--

To foe of His--I'm deadly foe--
None stir the second time--
On whom I lay a Yellow Eye--
Or an emphatic Thumb--

Though I than He--may longer live
He longer must--than I--
For I have but the power to kill,
Without--the power to die--