Friday, April 24, 2009

Poetic Techniques: Knowing When to Stop

In poetry there are when a line is written one of two things may occur, the thought or sentence ends at the end of that same line or it carries on to the next line. End-Stopping is when a sentence ends in the same line. Enjambment is when a sentence carries on to the next line thus cutting the thought in that first line. When enjambment occurs the following line may end-stop or a middle-stop, which technically speaking is a caesura. By definition a caesura occurs when there is a break in the line that either stops the rhythm; this can be in the form of a ending sentence with a period. The following are examples of each:

Cuchulain Comforted
By W.B. Yeats

A MAN that had six mortal wounds, a man
Violent and famous, strode among the dead;
Eyes stared out of the branches and were gone. <-- End-Stop 

Then certain Shrouds that muttered head to head <-- Enjambment 
Came and were gone. He leant upon a tree <-- Caesura and then Enjambment 
As though to meditate on wounds and blood.  

A Shroud that seemed to have authority 
Among those bird-like things came, and let fall 
A bundle of linen. Shrouds by two and thrce 

Came creeping up because the man was still. 
And thereupon that linen-carrier said: 
'Your life can grow much sweeter if you will 

'Obey our ancient rule and make a shroud; 
Mainly because of what we only know 
The rattle of those arms makes us afraid. 

'We thread the needles' eyes, and all we do 
All must together do.' That done, the man 
Took up the nearest and began to sew. 

'Now must we sing and sing the best we can, 
But first you must be told our character: 
Convicted cowards all, by kindred slain 

'Or driven from home and left to dic in fear.' 
They sang, but had nor human tunes nor words, 
Though all was done in common as before; 

They had changed their thtoats and had the throats of birds. 

Note that if there are rhyming words at the end of each line, which just so happen to display enjambment, then the rhyme may not be evident. If one is try to write a rhyming poem end-stop are more effective in making the rhymes evident. Read more poetry and different poetic techniques and styles will become more and more evident. 

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