Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Function of the Artist and the Art

The Function of the Artist and the Art
By Me

The Artist of Art and Art of the Artist are
Not one in the same. Art is just a brief moment
In time for the Artist that can either be far
Or near the Artist’s heart. What the Art said and meant

Could sediment differently on the Artist’s mind
As opposed to the literal. Neither can change
On their own, but with experiences intertwined
They may symbiotically evolve, arrange.

Questions are brought forth of who or what is one with
Out the other? Another capitalist zombie,
Or inanimate ‘motionless object of width,
Length and height. Some cynical critics cause tragedy

And rid happiness from the Artist and the Art.
May the toddler’s father and others follow true Art.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to ask you for a copy of this one. Now I don't need to ;)
