Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Key Lime Pie

Key Lime Pie
from XX
By Nabil Abou Baker

It was mid-summer and we decided to
Drive down south for a change. There
Exists a light house, erect, but out of
Commission. The white pillar used to
Deter those from the dangers of shore,
Jagged rocks that could sink life.
I had a friend, Ernie, that lived just
North of the beacon. We rendezvoused
With him, as he was the man of the town.
He knew all the best places to go eat, drink,
But most of all fish. Ernie loved fishing.
Ernie took us to a local near by pie shop.
All they sold were pies, but not just any pie,
Only key lime pie. Mary and I had each
Purchased a pie. They were inexpensive,
Two dollars a piece. I had given the
Clerk, a boy about seventeen years old
With some acne on his left cheek, five
Dollars and placed the change in a cup
Marked, “tips.” Ernie did not want a
Key lime pie; he just enjoyed our
Company and wanted to catch up
With us. The three of us sat at a table,
Ernie to my right and Mary in front of
Me. She handed me a fork and my key
Lime pie topped with meringue. Mary’s
Had a whipped cream topping. She was
Not a fan of meringues. I took the fork
And cut right into the triangular
Key lime pie topped with meringue. The
Meringue had a white center with light bark
Tinted exterior and was crunchy upon penetration
With my fork, which then slide right through.
It was very pale, green-yellow, the color of
The sun blended with healthy southern
Grass. Her eyes met mine just as I
Was going to bite into the key lime
Pie topped with meringue. I grabbed
Her left hand, with my left hand, and
I placed the first piece of key lime pie
Topped with meringue into my mouth, as did she.

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